Date: 23 October 2024
Venue: Boardroom, Menara Glomac
Glomac Berhad has recently announced the successful conclusion of its 40th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, 23 October 2024, for the financial year 2024. The meeting took place in a hybrid format at the Director’s Meeting Room on Level 15 of Menara Glomac and attended by Board members, top management, company auditors, and company secretaries, while shareholders participated virtually.
A press conference was held following the Annual General Meeting (AGM) led by the Group Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Seri FD Iskandar, as well as Mr. Brandon Ong, Chief Operating Officer, and Mr. Zulkifly Garib, Chief Operating Officer (Operations). Thank you for all media representatives who have come and supported the Press Conference.
Looking forward, Glomac is strategically positioned to boost its property sales, supported by a robust pipeline of new offerings that encompasses a wide array of residential and commercial properties.